Global progress in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

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Cameroon adopted the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). MINEPAT and NIS produced in 2015 a progress report on MDGs and Cameroon has set national targets for 2020, which conclude the ten-year period of the GESP.

This report indicates that the progress of the health MDGs remains mixed. The achievement in the reduction of infant and child mortality rate is 36.89% and 13.75% in the reduction of maternal mortality due to the increase in this ratio between 1990 and 2011.

The MDGs report indicates that one target group is reached and others are potentially or probably achievable. These target are likely to be reached by 2020, if specific actions are effectively implemented. For the other reported MDGs : MDG 1 (Targets 1.A, 1.B, 1.C), MDG 2 (Target 2.A), MDG3 (Target 3.A) and MDG 7 (Target 7.A), achievements are above 60%, with a possible reaching of the targets by 2020.

Cameroon subscribed to the post-2015 Agenda which focuses on SDGs without undermining efforts undertaken within the framework of the GESP for achieving MDGs (NIS, 2015). It is crucial for the country to providing SDGs with operative substance, in order to ensure success of the actions to be taken.
