
From NHO Cameroon

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Download the full Taxonomy in PDF (trT)

this is it(trT)

Statistical profile(trT)

Introduction to Country Context(trT)

Country context(trT)
Cameroon Map(trT)
Some data and indicators concerning cameroon(trT)
Distribution of the population by age and Sex(trT)

Health Status and Trends(trT)

Life expectancy at birth(trT)
Burden of diseases and Causes of deaths(trT)

Progress in the Millennium Development Goals(trT)

Global progress in achieving Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)(trT)
Health-related MDGs(trT)
Other health-related MDGs. MDG 7 and MDG 8(trT)
Other MDG : MDG 1. MDG 2. MDG 3. MDG 7 AND MDG 8(trT)
Transition to sustainable development goals (SDGs)(trT)

Health system(trT)

Health System Performance(trT)
Leadership and Gouvernance(trT)
Community Appropriation and Participation(trT)
Partenarships for Health Dévelopment(trT)
Health Information, Evidence and Knowledge(trT)
Health Research(trT)
Health Financing System(trT)
Provision of Services and Care(trT)
Health Human Resources (HHR)(trT)
Medical Products, vaccines, infrastructure equipement(trT)
Health Policies(trT)
Universal Health Coverage(trT)

Specific Programs and services(trT)

Immunization and Vaccines Development(trT)
Nutrition, and Child and Adolescent Health(trT)
Maternal and New-born Health(trT)
Gender and maternal health (including sexuality and reproductive health)(trT)
Epidemics and Epidemic-prone diseases(trT)
Neglected Tropical Diseases(trT)
Non-Communicable Diseases and conditions(trT)

Key determinants(trT)

Risk Factors for Health(trT)
