De NHO Cameroon.
Aller à : Navigation,
- Introduction to Country Context
- Health Status and Trends
- The Health System
- Health system outcomes
- Analytical summary
- General overview and systemic outcomes
- Overall health system status
- Achievement of the stated objectives of the health system
- The distribution of health system's costs and benefits across the population
- Efficiency of resource allocation in health care
- Technical efficiency in the production of health care
- Quality of care
- Contribution of the health system to health improvement
- Priorities and ways forward
- Others
- Endnotes: sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Leadership and governance
- Community ownership and participation
- Partnerships for health development
- Analytical summary
- Partnership for health and coordination mechanisms
- Harmonization and alignment in line with PHC approach
- Explicit policy on partners' coordination
- Explicit policy on intersectoral collaboration and action
- Major actions carried out through intersectoral collaboration
- Stakeholders mapping by level and coordination structures
- Community awareness and involvement in the implementation of global initiatives - Millennium Declaration, Paris declaration etc.
- Sector-wide approaches
- Public-private partnership and civil society
- South-South cooperation
- Endnotes: sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Health information, research, evidence and knowledge
- Analytical summary
- Context
- Structural organization of health information
- Data sources and generation
- Data management
- Access to existing global health information, evidence and knowledge
- Storage and diffusion of information, evidence and knowledge
- Availability and use of health libraries and information centres
- Availability and use of publications in appropriate formats and languages
- Consolidating and publishing existing evidence for policy and decision
- Mapping and sharing experiential knowledge, including best practices
- Indexing of local publications in international indexes
- Research
- Use of information, evidence and knowledge
- Formatting and packaging of evidence for policy and decision making
- Sharing and reapplying information and experiential knowledge
- Policy and decision makers' articulation of their need for evidence
- Policy and decision makers' participation in the research agenda setting process
- Policy and decision makers' capacity to access and apply evidence
- Availability and use of networks and CoPs for better use of evidence for policy and decision
- Leverage information and communication technologies
- Endnotes: sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Health financing system
- Analytical summary
- Organization of health financing
- Health expenditures patterns, trends and funding flows
- Funding sources
- Pooling of funds
- Institutional arrangements and purchaser provider relations
- Payment mechanisms
- Priorities and ways forward
- Others
- Endnotes: sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Service delivery
- Analytical summary
- Organization and management of health services
- Package of services
- Public and private health care providers
- Person-centredness and characteristics of primary health care services
- Shadow practices
- Quality of health services
- Priorities and ways forward
- Others
- Endnotes: sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Health workforce
- Medical products, vaccines, infrastructures and equipment
- General country health policies
- Universal coverage
- Health system outcomes
- Specific Programmes and Services
- Tuberculosis
- Analytical summary
- Disease burden
- DOTS expansion and enhancement
- MDR, TB/HIV and other challenges
- Contributing to health systems strengthening
- Engaging all care providers
- Empowering people with TB, and communities
- State of surveillance
- Enabling and promoting research
- Endnotes: sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Malaria
- Immunization and vaccines development
- Analytical summary
- Disease burden
- Immunization schedule
- Percent of target population vaccinated, by antigen
- Programme components
- Immunization systems strengthening
- Maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination
- Measles pre-elimination
- Meningococcal A meningitis elimination
- New and underutilized vaccines introduction
- Polio eradication
- Routine immunization
- Sentinel surveillance
- Paediatric bacterial meningitis and rotavirus
- Vaccine research and development
- Yellow fever control
- Endnotes: Sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Child and adolescent health
- Maternal and newborn health
- Gender and women's health
- Epidemic and pandemic-prone diseases
- Neglected tropical diseases
- Non-communicable diseases and conditions
- Analytical summary
- Disease burden
- Cancer prevention and control
- Cardiovascular diseases prevention and control
- Chronic respiratory diseases prevention and control
- Diabetes mellitus control
- Oral health and noma
- Sickle cell disease and other genetic disorders prevention and control
- Mental health
- Violence and injuries
- Eye and ear health
- Disabilities and rehabilitation
- State of surveillance
- Endnotes: sources, methods, abbreviations, etc.
- Key Determinants
- Risk factors for health
- The physical environment
- Food safety and nutrition
- Social determinants
- Progress on the Health-Related MDGs
- Analytical summary
- Introduction and methods
- Health MDGs
- Health-related MDGs
- Issues and challenges
- The way forward
- Endnotes: sources, abbreviations, etc
- Other MDGs
- Analytical summary
- MDG Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- MDG Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
- MDG Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
- MDG Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
- MDG Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development
- Issues and challenges
- The way forward
- Endnotes: sources, abbreviations, etc
- Progress on the Ouagadougou and Algiers Declarations
- Progress on the Libreville Declaration