Publication Overview

For its economic and social development, Cameroon adopted in 2009 a long-term development Vision,which aims to make Cameroon "an emerging country,
democratic and united in its diversity by 2035". Through this proactive Vision, the Government proposes: (i) to achieve close to double-digit economic
growth; (ii) to reach the 25% threshold as the share of manufacturing production in GDP; (iii) to reduce significantly poverty by reducing its incidence to less
than 10% in 2035; (iv) to consolidate the democratic process and strengthen national unity while respecting the country's diversity. The first phase of
implementation of this Vision was operationalized by the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (GESP),which thus constituted the reference framework for the period 2010-2019.As the GESP ended on 31 December 2019, this strategy constitutes the new reference framework for the period 2020-2030. The context in which it was drawn up is marked by the implementation of an economic and financial programme with the IMF under
the Extended Credit Facility (ECF), following the unfavourable fluctuation in the prices of raw materials,including oil. The country is also facing a security crisis
in the North-West and South-West Regions as a result of socio-political problems, on the one hand, and in the Far-North Region, which has been the victim of attacks by the Boko-Haram terrorist sect, on the other.In terms of methodology, the NDS30 is the result of a combination of technical exercises (evaluation of the GESP, review of sectoral strategies, prospective work,
sectoral planning meetings, etc.) involving experts and officials from sectoral administrations and numerous consultative meetings (grassroot populations,
parliamentarians, the private sector, academics and researchers, Technical and Financial Partners, certain commissions such as the NCPBM and the NCHRF, etc.).

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